VIRSAT Newsletter Background

New and Innovative Way to Train Contractor Workers on Fatal HSE Risks.

Contractors execute the highest risks activities for employing companies.

If you want to know more about how employing contractor can help contractors to work safely, pls subscribe yourself to the newsletter and you will get the article.

The contractor workers run much higher risk of a fatal incident than company workers. This is clear by the safety statistics collected by IOGP[1]. These statistics show that some 80%[2] of the fatal incidents affects (sub)contractors. It is well-documented that employing companies can reduce the number of contractor fatalities significantly within a few year period by building on safe systems of work and impacting the safety culture by effectively introducing the Life-Saving Rules[3].

How can employing companies help contractors to work safely?

If you want to know more about how employing contractor can help contractors to work safely, please subscribe yourself to the newsletter and you will get the article.